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Lesson20 One man in a Boat review wordstext summary writing catch (caught,caught)抓到 fisherman 钓鱼人,渔民 boot 靴子 waste 浪费 realize 意识到 catch fisherman boot waste realize 抓到 钓鱼人,渔民 靴子 浪费 意识到 The early bird catches the worm. 捷足先登。 catch sight of(see):看见=see catch it 被责骂,受处罚(口)(通常与will 等连用) If I come home late, I’ll catch it from my mother. catch up with :赶上,跟上 Go ahead please.I’ll soon catch up with you. catch on(意见,时尚) 受欢迎的。 catch phrase 标语,引人注意的句子 ★fisherman n. 钓鱼人,渔民 fish→ fisherman (pl.fishermen) [注]不要忘了er哦 1)fish 鱼 (pl.) 单复数同形 They caught many fish that morning. 2)fishes 不同种类的鱼 He studies the fishes in the Indian Ocean A big fish in a small pond 山中无老虎,猴子称霸王 When the cat is away,the mice will play. teach fish to swim drink like a fish 牛饮 like a fish out of water 如鱼离水 an odd fish 奇怪的家伙 fries fish fresh fish salted fish fish-and-chips (大众快餐) (Br.) Some people eat fish on Friday.(天主教的习惯) fish v. 钓鱼 I like/enjoy/am fond of/am keen on fishing go fishing/swimming/shopping fishing in troubled water 浑水摸鱼 fish for compliments 沽名钓誉 ★boot n. 靴子 a pair of boots have one’s heart in one’s boots 极为悲观消沉 have one’s heart in one’s mouth 极为恐惧 boots 长筒靴 rubber boots 橡胶长靴 running shoes 跑鞋 tennis shoes 网球鞋 platform shoes 厚跟鞋 moccasin 软皮平底鞋 leather shoes 皮鞋 sandles 凉鞋 slipper 拖鞋 loafer 平底便鞋 sneakers 轻便运动鞋 (Am.) ★waste vt./n. 浪费 1) waste vt.浪费 You are wasting time. Don’t waste your time,money and energy. 2)waste n. 浪费 a waste of 对…的浪费 It is a waste of time/money/feeling/food. Waste not, want not 不浪费,就不缺乏。 (尤指食物或钱) go to waste 变成废物 waste away (人,体力) 衰弱 wastebasket 字纸篓 (美) wastepaper basket 字纸篓 (英) ★realize v. 意识到 real adj.真的 → realize v.意识到→reality n.现实 1)认识到,意识到 (不用于被动语态,不用于进行时态,人做主语。) realize(=be aware of) ones mistake he realized that he was lying. 2) vt.实现(计划等) (可用于主动,也可用于被动) realize ones hope/dream/plan He realized his dream at last. →His dream was realized at last. Her worst fears


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