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A pretty carpet Lesson 52 单词 ★inch n. 英寸(度量单位 foot 英尺(pl. feet ); mile 英里 ★space n. 空间 ★actually adv. 实际上 =in fact 句中知识点 1. We have just moved into a new house and I have been working hard all morning. 我们刚刚搬进一所新房子,我辛辛苦苦地干了整整一个上午。 Have been working 是现在完成进行时结构,表示从过去某时刻一直继续到现在的动作。 2. I have been trying to get my new room in order. 我试图把我的新房间收拾整齐。 get / put … in order “把 … 整理好”, in order 的含义之一为“整齐”、“井然有序”; “以… 顺序” : Just give me five minutes to put/get my desk in order. 给我5分钟整理一下我的办公桌。 * in alphabetical/numerical order 按字母/数字顺序 3. This has not been easy because I own over a thousand books. 这并不容易,因为我有1,000多本书。 ☆[ have, own Possess ] own 和 possess 都强调所有物,own表示 “合法地拥有”,而possess是一正式用语,可以用来代替 own或have, 特别表示 “拥有一些重要或贵重的东西,又或者是非法的东西”;have是三个动词中最不正式的一个,在口语中经常可以代替前两者。在意义上,have 和 possess更接近。 例句: Who owns this house ? 谁是这所房子的主人? John was found guilty of possessing heroin. 约翰被裁定非法拥有海洛因。 How much money does he possess/have? 他有多少钱? 比较 : I have a brother and two sisters. (对) I own / possess a brother and two sisters. (错) 4. To make matters worse, the room is rather small, so I have temporarily put my books on the floor. 更糟糕的是房间还非常小,所以我暂时把书放在了地板上。 (1)to make matters worse是个插入语,与主句之间要用逗号隔开。 matters(复数形式)可以表示“事态”、“情况”。这个短语是个惯用语: I lost my way in the forest, and to make matters worse, it became dark. 我在森林里迷了路。更糟糕的是,天开始黑了。 (2) temporarily adv. 暂时地, 其形容词形式是temporary, 也可表示 “临时的”, A lot of work now is temporary or part-time. 如今有许多工作都是临时或兼职性的。 5. At the moment, they cover every inch of floor space and I actually have to walk on them to get in or out of the room. 这会儿,书把地板的每一点空隙都占据了,我实际上是踩着这些书进出房间的。 (1)at the moment表示“此刻”、“目前”: At the moment, Im busy preparing for the exams. 目前我正忙着准备考试。 (2) space n. 在表示 “空间”时为不可数名词,与room意思相近。 A piano takes up a lot of room/space. 钢琴很占地方。 (3)place是指某一块特定的空间,即 “地点、场所、地方”。 Is there any room for me to sit down in here? 这儿有我坐的地方吗? Yes, there’s a place in the corner. 有,那个角落里有个地方。 而area 指地区,区域,不是确


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