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ANSWERS Traditionally, in some countries such as New Zealand, the UK, Australia, and South Africa, the jokes only last until noon, and someone who plays a trick after noon is called an “April Fool”. Elsewhere, such as in France, Ireland, Italy, South Korea, Japan, Russia, Germany, Brazil, and the U.S., the jokes last all day. When April Fool’s Day comes, how will people celebrate it? What is the aim? The day is marked by pranks(恶作剧 ), hoaxes(愚弄;欺骗), and other practical jokes on friends, neighbors, colleagues, classmates, and family. The aim is to embarrass the gullible(易受骗的;轻信的 ) - by sending them on fools errands or by playing mischief, or causing embarrassment to them. The Origin of April Fools Day Someone believes that “ April Fool’s Day” derives from the trick that Cleopatra (埃及艳后) played on her lover Marco Antonio. She challenged him to a fishing competition but soon discovered that he was trying to cheat. So she decided to attach a false fish to his hook to punish him. Custom on the April Fool’s Day Daffodils why do people speak about “fish”? Somebody thinks that this custom may come from unfruitful spring fishing. In the first days of April some fishermen ventured in the ocean hoping to find out good fish. But many times they did not find any prey , and when they came back to the port, the other fishermen made fun of them for their useless wandering. 例:Only a fool will believe he can turn paper to money. 只有傻瓜才相信他能把纸变成钱。 Any fool can see he is drunk. 傻瓜都看得出来他喝醉了。 ① April Fool’s day愚人节 ②make a fool of someone愚弄某人,让某人出丑 e.g. Don’t make a fool of poor people. 不要嘲笑穷人。 相关表达: foolish adj.傻的 3) v. 愚弄,骗,骗取 eg. He has fooled a lot of people into believing that he is an honest statesman. 他骗许多人相信他是个诚实的政治家。 ③谚语: A fool always rushes to the fore. [谚]愚人总喜强出头。 A fool and his money are soon parted. [谚]愚人有钱留不住。 A fool may ask more questions in an hour than a wise man can answer in seven years. [谚]聪明人也会被傻瓜难倒。 2. bulletin 1) n. (政府机关的)公报,告示,公告 2) n. 新闻快报 bull


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