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Warming up There will be a western festival next week, what is that? How much do you know about this festival? Merry Christmas 每年的12月25日,是基督教徒纪念耶稣诞生的日子,称为圣诞节。 Santa Claus Christmas songs We Wish You A Merry Christmas Jingle Bells New words and expressions Usage Note?: When you buy goods from a particular shop or company, you are one of its?customers. If you use the professional services of someone such as a lawyer or an accountant, you are one of their clients. Doctors and hospitals have?patients, while hotels have?guests. People who travel on public transport are referred to as?passengers. 从某一家商店或公司买东西的人是他们的customer(顾客)。接受律师或会计师等的专业服务的人是他们的client(客户)。医生或医院接待patient(病人),饭店旅馆接待guest(客人)。乘坐公共交通工具的人被称作passenger(乘客)。 Make a sentence: 昨天超市里有很多顾客买东西。 There were many customers buying things in the supermarket yesterday. Make sentences: 我忘记要给他钱了。 I forgot to give him money. 我忘记给过他钱了。 I forgot giving him money. Make a sentence: 看,他正站在柜台后面。 Look, he is standing behind the counter. Key words&expressions customer n. 顾客 forget v. 忘记 manager n. 经理 serve v. 照应,服务, 接待 counter n. 柜台 recognize v. 认出 Notes on the text Find the differences as more as you can! 1. Do you have the experience of buying books in the bookstore? 2. What kind of books do you like to buy? 3. Have you or your parents ever bought something in store or supermarket but forgot to bring home? Grammar in use —定语从句 I like the movie. The movie is exciting. 关系代词who, whom的用法 二者都用于指人。who在定语从句中做主语,宾语都可以。whom在定语从句中只能做宾语。 Eg. 1. 他是来自美国的那个男孩。 He is the boy who comes from America . 2. 她是每天读英语的那个女孩 She is the girl who reads English every day. 3. 他是住在隔壁的那个男子。 He is the man who lives next door. 看图翻译句子 正在跑步的那个人是刘翔。 The man is Liuxiang. The man who is running is Liuxiang. 正在玩儿电脑的那个人是我的老板。 The man is my boss. The man who is playing computer games is my boss.


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