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STAR Lesson 81 Roast beef and potatoes Chinese food Western food bath [bɑ?θ] n.洗澡 nearly [n??l?] adv.几乎,将近 ready [red?] adj.准备好的,完好的 dinner [d?n?] n.正餐,晚餐 restaurant [rest?r?nt] n.饭馆,餐馆 roast [r??st] adj.烤的 Listen to the tape and answer the following question: Why is Carol disappointed ! 为什么卡罗尔感到失望? bath n.洗澡 have/take a bath 洗澡 have a hot bath take a cold bath 例句:他在洗澡。 He is having a bath * ready adj. 准备好的 ,完好的 (1)be/get ready for 为…做好准备 例句:我们已经做好了学校旅行的准备 We’re ready for school trip. (2) be/get ready to do乐于做…;已准备好做 例句:我们已经做好了战斗的准备 We get ready to fight. * ? SAM: Hi, Carol! Wheres Tom? CAROL: Hes upstairs. Hes having a bath. CAROL: Tom! TOM: Yes? CAROL: Sams here. TOM: Im nearly ready. TOM: Hello, Sam. Have a cigarette. SAM: No, thanks, Tom. TOM: Have a glass of whisky then. SAM: OK. Thanks. 正在洗澡 adj.准备好的,完好的 adv.几乎,将近 在楼上 等同于drink take TOM: Is dinner ready, Carol? CAROL: Its nearly ready. We can have dinner at seven oclock. TOM: Sam and I had lunch together today. We went to a restaurant. CAROL: What did you have? TOM: We had roast beef and potatoes. CAROL: Oh! TOM: Whats the matter, Carol? CAROL: Well, youre going to have roast beef and potatoes again tonight! n.晚餐 n.饭馆,餐馆 adj.烤的 be going to do something (1)用于指人时,表示正打算做某事,计划做某事 例句:我打算去学校 I am going to go to school (2)用于指物时,表示可能性或必然性 例句:瞧,快下雨了。 Look, it is going to rain. have a bath have a cigarette have a glass of whisky have dinner have lunch have roast beef and potatoes 洗澡 抽一根烟 喝一杯威士忌 吃晚餐 吃午餐 吃烤牛肉和土豆 * breakfast dinner a cup of coffee tea have have+三餐/食品/饮料,吃,喝 * a cold a temperature a headache flu have have+疾病名词,患,得 * a new pen some money a lot of shoes have 有,拥有(主语为人/物)=have got * a bath a swim a haircut a lesson a party a holiday a good time an appointment have+表示动作的词,意思和表示动作的词保持一致 have 练习 have的一些重要用法: 1. h


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