新概念英语青少版3A U13 U14.ppt

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新概念英语青少版3A U13 U14

Unit13 What am I doing here? 我在这里做什么? KELLY: Here at last! How do you like Redstone Ranch,Jed? JED: It looks nice! Im looking forward to a swim. KELLY: Good idea! But let me tell you the rules first. JED: Rules? Im on vacation! 1、look+形容词 表示看起来… 2、be looking forword to 现在进行时,表示事情发生在“说话的时候,此时” 3、let+名词\代词宾语+不带to的动词不定式 4、the rules 这些规则(表示特指的) some rules 一些规则(表示不确定的数量) KELLY: There are some rules,honey. JED: Such as? KELLY: Shoes.You cant use heavy equipment in the gyms [d??m] without the right shoes. JED: Im not going to use heavy equipment. 1、such as=like 像、诸如 2、表示禁止的最简单方法:No+动名词 例:No running\swimming常见于告示牌中。规章说明中常用be not allowed. can既可表示可能性或能力,也可用来表示允许。 3、the right shoes 合适的鞋子 4、heavy equipment 不可数n.前使用零冠词,表示泛指。 KELLY: And if you go to a dancce class, you cant (指现在和将来)wear black-soled trainers.(复数可数名词前使用零冠词,表示泛指) Black-soled trainers mark the floors. JED: When am I going to go to a dance class? KELLY: And you must wear a T-shirt or vest at all times. Youre not allowed to show your chest. JED: Not even when Im swimming? KELLY: Its OK when youre swimming… 1、you must wear.用must表示按照规定应该做的事,must指现在和将来。 2、at all times 总是、随时、每时每刻 3、be not allowed to do 规章说明中常用的禁止。 4、not even 连……也不 KELLY: When youre in the wet zones, you can wear a swimsuit and you can show your chest. JED: What else is not allowed? KELLY: Were not allowed to run or shout in public areas. 1、show 露出 2、what else=what more 其他、另外。else常用在疑问代词和疑问副词后,但which和whose除外。


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