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Unit 10 Tricks of the trade New Words and Expressions tricks /tr?k/ of the trade 行业诀窍 Gosh! /g??/ 哎呀!天哪! turn round /t?:n raund/ v.+adv.(使)转换方向 button /b?tn/ n.纽扣 be able to /bi eb?l tu/ v.能,会 fashionable /f???n?b?l/ adj.时髦的 front /fr?nt/ n.前面,前部 be interested in 对......感兴趣 Whats fashion? Do you know whats trick? PAT: Gosh, Nina, you look good! Is that another new sweater? NINA: Youve seen it before. But Ive turned it round, so the buttons go down the back. another,the other,other,others的区别 1.another:用于范围外,用在三者或三者以上 +可数n.单数,指“另一个,又一个” 2.the other:用在同一范围内 +可数n.单数,指两者中之一 +可数n.复数,指两部分中的一部分 3.other:用在不同范围,指其他的 +n.单数 / 复数 4.others:不同范围的另外一些人或物 后面不需接n.,直接接谓语 = other+n. 1.May I have ??? cup of tea? 2.Some of the speakers went straight to the conference room.??? speakers are still hanging round. 3.Students are interested in sports:some like running,some like swimming,and ??? like ball games. 4.Where are ??? boys? 5.The supermarket is on ??? side of the street. 6.These cups are ours.Those are ???. A.another B.the other C.others D.other 1.have seen 现在完成时 before 在此之前,非确定时间的副词 2.go down 停止,被接受;沉下;被打败 go down on ones knees 跪下来 They went down 2-1 to Australia. 他们以1比2输给了澳大利亚队。 PAT: Thats clever! NINA: But its so simple! Its easy enough for anyone to do this kind of thing. PAT: Not me! Id love to be able to dress well. I try hard,but I just cant look fashionable NINA: Its not about fashion! You just need to enjoy your clothes. 1.love + n./代词/to do 2.well adj.指身体好的,健康的 He is not well now. adv.好,很好;乐意的 The restaurant did very well. 3.enjoy + sth / doing sth I hope you enjoy these. I enjoy playing soccer. 4.can 和 be able to can 泛指一般的能力,而且只有两种形式 be able to主要指具体做到了某件事的能力 因为be的形式很多,所以它有很多形式 I am able to do the work. I was able to do the worlk. I will be able t


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