新概念青少版1a lesson24.ppt

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新概念青少版1a lesson24

lesson24 * Pronunciation Hi! I my eye fine like right tie wife white bright light nice child five nine nineteen ninety ninety-nine 100 4 4 big muscles gymnasts strong----weak workman ugly blonde child--children schoolboy school+child = schoolchild office worker Jack: Claire! Claire: Yes, Daddy? Jack: ______ me your new ________, honey. Show drawings show sb. sth.= show sth to sb. 向某人展示某物 Claire: Ok. ______ drawings are _____. They’re all _______ at the ________________. Jack: Hmm. They’re very good, Claire! These new students sports academy Jack: _______ is this tall man ______ the big __________? Claire: Oh, that’s Mr. Ford. He’s a ________. He’s very ________. Who with muscles teacher nice 1. Who is that man with the black umbrella? 2. Who is that girl with the red hat? Jack : And ______ are these little ____? Claire: That’s _____, and that’s ______. They’re ________. They’re _____ small, but they’re strong, ____. They’re _____________. who men Gary Tom both too gymnasts little Jack : And who is this boy here? Claire: ______ Paul. He’s a student __ the sports academy. Jack: He’s a _________ young man. Claire: Yes. He’s very ______. That’s at handsome nice Jack: Your _______ are good, Claire. Claire: Thank you, Daddy. _______ they aren’t _______. Jack: No, honey! They’re ______! Just like you! drawings Maybe bad great like: 像 反义词 tall(高的)--- short (矮的) strong (强壮的) ---weak (弱的) beautiful (美丽的)—ugly (丑陋的) big (大的)--- little (小的) young (年轻的)--- old (老的) hungry (饿的)---full (饱的) hot (热的) ---cold (凉爽的) I love cindy. She is pretty. Tall me about her/him/them. Tell me about that man. That ____man? He is a_____ Tall me about that woman. That ____woman? She is a_____ Tall me about that child. That ____child? He is a_____ Tall me about that man. That ____man? He is a_____ Tall me about those woman. Those ____woman? They are a_____ Tall me about those men. Those ____men? They are ___ *


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