新浪五星名师班口语单项班之二NANCY PENG.ppt

新浪五星名师班口语单项班之二NANCY PENG.ppt

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新浪五星名师班口语单项班之二NANCY PENG

* Part two: Cue cards Lexical resources: Action movie/ disaster movie/romantic movie/ Horror movie/ animation movie/ documentary/ Science fiction/ war movie/ vampire movie/ Comedy/ tragedy/ swordsmen film/mystery/ Detective movies/ HK gangster movie/ Haunting movie/ Thriller movie/ * Part two: Cue cards What? When? How? Why? * Part two: Cue cards What? I’d like to share/ mention/describe/introduce one of my favorite movies called ____,which is a typical Hollywood _____, and I am a big fan of ____. When? I watched this movie when I was___ with___ at____. It’s been a fairly long time but I still remembered it. * Part two: Cue cards How? Leading actors/ actresses General story about the movie. There is a part of plots impressed me so much when __________( starting your story in details). * Part two: Cue cards Why? Visual effect/ audio effect/ special effect Different atmosphere Beverage/ snacks/ pop corn Great place for friends’ hang out Great place for a date * Part two: Cue cards Books: * Part two: Cue cards Describe one of you favorite song. You should say: What your favorite song is When you heard the song What the content is And explain why you were attracted by the song * Part two: Cue cards Lexical resources: Blues/ punk/ religious/ light music/ jazz Opera/ metal/ RB/ Rock roll/hip-hop Country music/ Rap/ Symphony/ Orchestral music/ Lyrics / sweet melody/ low / sexy/ charming/ Tempo / unique/ appealing/ healing voice * Part two: Cue cards What? When? How? Why? * Part two: Cue cards What? I’d like to share/ mention/describe/introduce one of my favorite songs called ____,which is a typical American _____, and I am a big fan of____. When? I firstly heard this song when I was___ at____. And it’s been almost_____ years since then. * Part two: Cue cards How? Singer’s introduction Her voice description. There is a part of LYRICS impressed me so much when she sings __________( starting your song with a little bit lyrics and tell story in details).


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