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青少版3B Unit 16 Paul emails home Nancy 2011.10.23 A:He’s closing the door. B:Is he?Ask him to leave it open A:Can he close the door? B:No,please tell him to leave it open A:He’s closing the door B:But I asked him not to close the door please tell him to leave it open Listen to the recording, and then answer this question: When will Paul be able to phone his parents? /nce/p52319/ Paul emails home Dear Mum and Dad, I’m emailing you through the Redstone Ranch website .You can email me back on paul.bruce@. I will call you next week, When I can use a Broadband phone. Questions 1. Is Paul emailing his parents through the Redstone Ranch website? Yes,he is 2.How can his parents email him back? They can email him back on paul.bruce@ 3.When will Paul call them? When he can use a Broadband phone,he will call them next week. My assessment at Redstone was a bit strange.They asked me to do a lot of tick-box tests. Then we did some outdoor activities.They told me to lead someone up an easy climb.Then they asked me to lead a small group ,in kayaks,on white water. My assessment at Redstone was a bit .They _____me ____do a lot of tick-box tests. Then we did some outdoor activities.They ____ me ___lead someone up an easy climb.Then they _____me ____lead a small group ,in kayaks,on white water They asked me to do a lot of tick-box tests They told me to lead someone up an easy climb. they asked me to lead a small group ,in kayaks,on white water Read the last two passages and answer these Questions What was the main question after that? “where did you learn all these back-country skills” What was the big news? Paul’s time in the London marathon was big news What did Ed ask me to do? He asked me to start next week Will Redstone pay all his expenses? Yes ,it will Ask each other these questions 1.Has anyone asked you to do anything today? Who,and what?Has anyone told you to do anything to


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