新概念英语青少版2A Unit 9 Do your own thing.ppt

新概念英语青少版2A Unit 9 Do your own thing.ppt

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新概念英语青少版2A Unit 9 Do your own thing

Unit 9 Do your own thing There is something you have to do it by youself every day! Look at the photographer and American Football ! New words and expressions do your own thing 做你自己的事 leave v. 离开 about adv. 大约,关于 stadium n. 体育馆 team n. 组,队 zone n. 区 bored adj. 厌倦的 obvious adj. 明显的 New words and expressions athletics n. 田径 championship n. 锦标赛 dream n. 梦想 photograph n. 照片 tomorrow adv. 明天 the doctor’s n. 诊所 post office n. 邮局 stamp n. 邮票 New words and expressions the dentist’s n. 牙医诊所 bookshop n. 书店 the butcher’s n.开始 the chemist’s n. 药店 haircut n. 理发 the barbers n. 理发店 shampoo n. 洗发,洗头 the hairdresser’s n. 理发店 Paul: It’s going to be a very early start on Sunday morning, Claire. We’re going to leave home at about 5.30. Claire: 5.30! That is early! Paul: So what do you want to do? Do you want to come with us, or not? Claire: I’m not sure, Paul. What do you want me to do? Paul: I want you to do your own thing. You can come to the National Stadium(国家体育馆) with the team. But what are you going to do there? Paul: You can’t come with us into the Red Zone(红区). And I don’t want you to get bored, on your own all day. 小知识 football, 在美国称之为橄榄球,而在其他地 方多称之为足球 soccer,在英国称之为足球,而不用football。 rugby,是除了美国之外,都在玩的运动, 叫做英式橄榄球。 Claire: But it’s obvious, Paul! The National Athletics Championships(国家田径锦标赛) are a photographer’s dream! What am I going to do? I’m going to take hundreds of photographs, of course! Grammar: It’s going to be a very early start on Sunday morning, Claire. We’re going to leave home at about 5.30. I’m going to take hundreds of photographs, of course! Is Paul going to take it easy? Are they going to leave home at about half past six? Is Claire going to take thousands of photographs? (Wh-questions) What are you going to do there? What am I going to do? What is Claire going to do on her own all day? Where is Claire going to go? Who is she going to go with? What


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