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Homework: Review 复习 photographer Look at the pictures and describe the people. 看图片, 描述图片中的人。 beautiful English She’s a beautiful English photographer. actor famous Chinese He’s a famous Chinese actor. teacher short American She’s a short American teacher. accountant old Chinese He’s an old Chinese accountant. policeman fat American He’s a fat American policeman. postman thin English He’s a thin English postman. actor young French He’s a young French actor. Where’s my pen? 我的钢笔在哪儿? Unit7 Lesson13 最喜欢的 favourite /fe?v?r?t/ 长的 long /l??/ 书包 schoolbag /sku:lb?g/ 给 give/ɡ?v/ (同类中的) 一样东西 one 铅笔盒 pencil-case /pens?lke?s / 东西 thing /θ??/ 放 put /p?t/ 谢谢 Thanks! /θ??ks/ 给你 Here you are. New Words Challenge your eyes 挑战你的眼睛 (比比谁最快) give Here you are put Here you are favourite schoolbag thing Thanks! thing long schoolbag put long favourite give Whose old pencil-case is it? Watch and answer: 它是谁的旧铅笔盒? Karen: Where’s my pen, Lucy? Lucy: Which pen, Mum? Karen: The blue one. Lucy: This one? Karen: Yes, that one. It’s my favourite pen, Lucy! Lucy: Sorry, Mum! Karen: And where’s my new ruler? Lucy: The long one? Karen: The long silver one. Lucy: It’s in my schoolbag, Mum. Karen: Oh, Lucy! Give me my ruler, please. Lucy: Here you are. I’m sorry, Mum. It’s a very nice ruler. Karen: Yes, it is. Lucy: Mum! Karen: Yes? Lucy: Is this your pencil-case, too? Karen: No, it isn’t. It’s your father’s old pencil-case. That’s his favourite thing! Lucy: Sorry, Mum! It’s my favourite thing, too. Karen: Oh, well! Put it on his desk. No harm done. Lucy: Thanks, Mum! Answer questions about the text. 根据课文回答问题. 1. Where:对地点进行提问。 我的新书包在哪里? 我的苹果在哪里? 你的书在哪里? 他的铅笔盒在哪里? 你最喜爱的外套在哪里? Notes 解释 Where’s my new schoolbag? Where’s my apple? Where’s your book? Where’s his pencil-case? Where’s your favourite coat? 2. Give me my ruler. Give 某人 某物 = Give 某物 to 某人 给她(her)那本书。 给我这个书包。 给妈妈那个铅笔盒。 给我那把尺子。 给爸爸那只钢笔。 Give her the


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