新概念青少版-3B unit19 Now is enough!.pptx

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新概念青少版-3B unit19 Now is enough!

UNIT19 Now is enough! Lena 2014.10.19 listening It was one of the quietest villages in England. Trucks can’t go though Redburn, because the road is too narrow. He broke the bridge, and finished his journey in the Mrs.Cansfield’s garden. Because the computer in his truck told him to turn right. Note on the text In the kayaks on the lake at Redstone Ranch-跟在动词之后的这三个地点状语排列顺序是从小的地点到大的地点。 Is explaining to Paul-现在进行时表示正在进行的动作。Explain为引述动词。 How he feels-宾语从句,间接疑问句。 It was my wife’s idea to come here-it 为形式主语,真正的主语为动词的不定式短语。要避免用动词不定式短语做主语。 To leave it me-短语动词动:动词+介词(及物) Note on the text Most people-most表示“大多数的”修饰不可数名词和可数名词复数。People属于集合名词,表示复数意义,后跟动词复数形式。 They think that a vacation is about resting-使用一般现在时的间接陈述句。 Feel tired/sleep/eat/sit/rest-一般现在时表示事实的永久性或长久性。这些动词位于that所引导的间接陈述句中。 I use to think that-指示代词that指示前面的陈述句。 Note on the text On a vacation like that, I didn’t get less tired-使用一般过去时,描述过去发生的事情。 On a vacation like that是时间状语,位于从句的句首。 At home-地点状语。 I sit/eat –一般现在时描述目前的状态。 Go out-第三类短语动词:动词+副词小品词(不及物) To play-动词不定式表目的。 Now is enough!-此处的enough相当于as much as I need. Pronunciation 在口语中,词尾和词界中的辅音连缀常简化。这一规则特别适合于带/s/和/z/的辅音连缀。词界间的一个辅音重读,另一个则不发音: 当后面的辅音为[s], [ ʃ ] , [ ʧ ]和 [ ʤ ]时,词尾的/s/和/z/不发音。 当后面的音为[ θ ]和 [ ð ]时,词尾的/s/和/z/发音,而[ θ ]和 [ ð ]则不发音。 Pronunciation Let’s show them. That sounds strange. Let’s take this chance. These chances are unusual. Is this nice jam. He covered his chest. They need less space. Just watch those champions! What’s this? Jack was the champion. How’s that? When’s the match? Where’s the bathroom? It’s through there. 填词游戏单词 Sleep Spider Sit Speak At Put Maybe Play Can’t Tired Loaf Car Of Afraid 填词游戏横栏 5 He sits_ _a desk all day. 6 Where can I p_ _my books. 8 Can you p_ _ _tennis. 9 No, I _ _ _ _. 12 Taxi. 13 She’s afraid_ _spiders. 14 The were a _ _ _ _ _because it was dark. 填词游戏竖栏 2 That man e_ _ _too much! 3 Please _ _ _down. Don’t stand. 4 Say, talk. 7 Perhaps. 10 I’m t_ _ _ _.I didn’t sleep well. 11 I want a l_ _ _of bread. 12 Can you drive a _


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