新概念青少版3B unit22Dose anyone still knit.ppt

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新概念青少版3B unit22Dose anyone still knit

Unit 22 Does anyone still knit? knit [n?t] v.编织 织 Knitting needle 毛衣针 你知道哪儿能买到毛衣针吗? Do you know where I can buy knitting needle niece n.侄女 I’m knitting something for my niece’s new baby! I will knit something for my niece’s new baby! future tense mad I had a mad conversation with the sales assistant yesterday. 昨天我和那里的销售员展开了一场荒唐的对话? [ 比较级 madder 最高级 maddest 过去式 madded 过去分词 madded 现在分词 madding ] [m?d] adj.愚蠢的 n.狂怒 e v c [k?nv?se??(?)n] n. 对话 n o r s a t i o n Sales assistant。 n.售货员 mis take 我明白我错看了你。 I see I was mistaken about you. Adj.mistaken 我对于所发生事情的看法是错误的。 I had a mistaken view of what was happening. l a l [l??k(?)l] adj. 当地的 c o Chinese knotting 中国结 i m e [?gz?m?n?] n.考官 a x n e r Bank Examiner?银行审查主任 ; 银行查帐员 competent examiner?合资格检验员 ; 合资格检验师 Primary Examiner?主要审查员 ; 审查员 Pronunciation 找出停顿部分 找出升降调有间歇部分 找出升调部分 flora asked Lucy if she wanted to go to the cinema that night. Lucy said she would ask her mother if she could go. And she asked Flora what time the film ended. Flora replied that it will be quite late. Then Lucy asked Karen weather she could go to the film, and stop over at Flora’s that night. But Karen told Lucy that she couldnt go. She said that Lucy wasn’t allowed to stay out late on a school night. And that was that. Thank you for listening! I love you!


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