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family ;picture 1;picture 2;picture 3;picture 4;picture 5;picture 6;Unit 16 What’s your middle name?;l;Justin Drew Bieber;He Jiong;Michael Fred Phelps ;What’s she/he like?;silly;;Guess: Who is silly?;;Listen to the text Answer some questions;g;What’s wrong with her?;There’s something wrong with her.;e;middle name;on the phone;那是不可能的。;m;Esther 一直很懒。;;请不要在街上停车。;;;;;u;l;你们打算做什么明天?;;;;e;thumb;你有几个手指?;l;愚蠢是我的中名。;;;William: Is there something ________, Karen?;Karen: I ______ something very _______ this morning. I ______ ______ some ___________ in town.;Karen: I __________home _____ about 10 o’clock, and ________ the car in the ________. I __________the house _______ my house keys.;Karen: Then, Daisy ______me ______my mobile, and we _________about the weekend. We____________ __________ for Sunday. Then we ________ the call.;Karen: Then I _______ ______ my car keys. I looked ___ my bag, ____ my coat, _______ the kitchen, ________.;Karen: They ______ in my hand! The ____________ was on my little _______. William, ‘___________’ is my ______ name!;I picked up some shopping in town;e;我相信你。;;;;;;call;Grammar ;;;Grammer:Simple Present 一般现在时;句型结构: ;一般将来时;句型结构: ;一般过去时;句型结构: ;动词一般过去式的变化规律;动词一般过去式的变化规律;动词一般过去式的变化规律;动词一般过去式的变化规律;动词一般过去式的变化规律;Pattern Practice;She turned on the TV at teatime.;He cleaned his teeth after breakfast.;She called her parents at the weekend.;They showed us their flat last week.;She parked in the road yesterday.;He finished the job three weeks ago.;She looked at her photo collection six weeks ago.;They discussed the trip a year ago.;Thank you for listening! I love you!


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