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13 1 V o.l 13 No. 1 2007 2 Journal of Combustion Science and Technology Feb. 2007 谢承利, 陆继东, 沈 凯, 曾 勇 ( , 430074) : , . , , , . , . , , , . : ; ; ; : TK16 : A : 2007) IndirectM easurementModel forWasteHeating ValueBased on Incineration OperationalParameters XIE Chengl,i LU Jidong, SHEN K ai, ZENG Yong ( State K ey Laboratory of Coal Com bu tion, H uazhong Un iver ity of Sc ience and T echnology, W uhan 430074, Ch ina) bstract: In the refu e inc ineration proce , the tab ility of incineration i awl ay influenced trongly the heating value of refu e. H ow ever, it i d ifficult to get an online m ethod of mea ur ing refu e heating v alue in practice, due to the vary ing ource and un table com po ition of refu e. A heating value pred iction m odel of refu e ba ed on cerebellar m odel articula tion controller ( CMAC) w a bu ilt, in wh ich the m on itor ing param eter of inc inerator w ere u ed a input data. Compared w ith other m odel, the new m odel can pred ict the integrated variation of the w a te heating value and realize the realtmi e m ea urem en t. W ith th i model, the heating value of refu e w a pred icted ucce fully in a refu e pow er plant, ind icating that it i a fea ib le w ay for the oft m ea urem ent proce and the incineration con trol y tem. Keywords: olid w a te; online mon itoring; cerebellar model articu lation controller; heating value , , . . , , , , , , [ 1 4]


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