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Chapter 15 Tooth eruption and shedding of deciduous teeth 沈 丽 佳 主 讲 Chapter 15 Tooth eruption and shedding of deciduous teeth I. Definition: II. Eruption of the deciduous teeth III. Shedding of the deciduous teeth IV. Clinical consideration Discussion I. Definition Eruption Shedding/exfoliation Development of the dentitions 1. Eruption Eruption is essentially the process whereby a tooth moves from its developmental position in the jaw into its functional position in the mouth. 2. Shedding/exfoliation For the eruption of a permanent tooth, where there is a deciduous predecessor, the root of the deciduous tooth must be resorbed to allow for shedding. The eruptive pathway of the permanent teeth is very much related to the shedding or exfoliation of the deciduous teeth. It is largely pressure from the erupting successional tooth which determines the pattern of deciduous tooth resorption. 3. Development of the dentitions Description of the development of the dentitions requires consideration of the processes of tooth eruption and of the development of occlusion post-eruptively. Three distinct lead to he establishment of the full dentition: Pre- eruptive tooth movement Eruptive tooth movement Post-eruptive tooth movement II. Tooth eruption Pattern of tooth movement Histology of tooth movement Mechanism of tooth movement (I). Pattern of tooth movement Pre-eruptive tooth movement Eruptive tooth movement Post-eruptive tooth movement 1. Preeruptive tooth movement Definition Pre-eruptive tooth movement of deciduous teeth Pre-eruptive tooth movement of permanent teeth Summary 乳牙胚的萌出前移动 颌骨的发育使牙胚随之在作相应的移动。 乳牙胚 拥挤 颌骨生长 缓解 特点 颌骨长度增加 磨牙胚向后移动, 前牙胚向 前移动。 颌骨宽度和高度增加,下颌牙胚向上、向外移动, 上颌牙胚向下、向外移动。 1. Pre-eruptive tooth movement 定义 乳牙胚的萌出前移动 恒牙胚的萌出前移动 结论 Definition 定义 Pre-eruptive phase, which starts with the initiation



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