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李慧慧 2014220501 Gideon Toury

Summary 描述性翻译研究的最终目的就是要对实际发生的翻译现象进行描写,并通过对具体翻译个案的描写和分析,归纳出对翻译实践具有示范或启示作用的翻译法则来,而这些法则或许能为将来的译者和研究人员提供帮助。 Here, Thanks for your listening! * Gideon Toury 姓名: 李慧慧 学号:2014220502 指导教师:杨黎 提纲 1.Introduction of Toury 2.Polysystem theory(Even-Zohar) 3.Holmes’s map of translation studies 4.Introduction of DTS(Descriptive Translation Studies 5.翻译规范(Norms) 6.Laws of universals of translation(翻译的普通法则) Summary Gideon Toury 1.Introduction of Toury Gideon Toury is a Professor of Poetics , Comparative Literature and Translation Studies at Tel Aviv University, where he holds the M. Bernstein Chair of Translation Theory. He is the founder and General Editor of Target: International Journal of Translation Studies and for years General Editor of the important Benjamins Translation Library. He has published three books, a number of edited volumes and numerous articles, in both English and Hebrew, in the fields of translation theory and comparative literature. His articles have also appeared in translation in many other languages, and he is himself an active translator too (with about 30 books and many articles to his credit). He is a member of the editorial or advisory boards of a number of international journals. In 2000, he was awarded an honorary doctorate by Middlesex University, London 1.Introduction of Toury 基迪恩.图里以色列人,特拉维夫大学的翻译教授,《目标》(Target )翻译研究杂志的主编。他以同为以色列人的当代著名文学及翻译理论家佐哈尔的多元系统论为出发点,沿着霍姆斯开创的翻译研究学派的基本路线,做了大量的翻译描述和理论建设工作,在当代西方翻译研究领域享有很高的知名度。他早期的多元系统研究主要考察决定外国文学作品译成希伯来文的社会文化因素,其后他将重点转移到研究翻译的普通理论。 1.Introduction of Toury 图里的主要译学著作包括1977年出版的《翻译规范与希伯来语文学翻译》,1980年的《探寻翻译理论》(In search of a Theory of Translation)和1995年的《描述翻译研究及其他》(Descriptive Translation Studies and Beyond)。而《描述翻译研究及其他》一书由《探寻翻译理论》扩展而来,是他的主要代表作。 2.Polysystem theory(Even-Zohar) A literary work is here not studied in isolated but as part of a literary system , which itself is defined as a system of function of the literary order which are in continual interrelationship with other orders’ . Literature is thus part


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