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李茜 出师课

作业讲评课 李茜 April.2016 课前热身:高分必背作文——【李阳疯狂英语经典范文】 成功之路第十二篇 中学生是否有必要带手机去学校 Mobile Phones at School Dear Editor, I’m writing to tell you about the discussion weve had about whether it is necessary for middle school students to carry mobile phones to school. The majority of the students think that it is more convenient for them to keep in touch with their parents and classmates if they have a mobile phone. And whats more, its the latest fashion. However, most teachers think middle school students are not old enough to control themselves. It is a waste of time for students to play games and send messages to each other by mobile phone. And its easy to cause the students to vie with each other. If necessary, they can make phone calls by using public phones on the campus. In my opinion, following the fashion is understandable. But as middle school students, we should put all our heart into our studies. Yours truly, Li Hua Learning aims: 1.Discuss, explain and understand the difficult points of the exercises. 2.Learn some problem-solving methods and Strategies . 作业批改点评: 作业最高分:王贝贝 正确率较高:祖丽胡玛 茹克雅 刘鑫晶 白云翔 马新月 刘娅楠 书写优美:王雅梅 王玉娇 马小梅 进步较大:茹克亚 刘娅楠 错误一般可归为4种原因: (1)知识性方面的错误; (2)判断理解方面的错误; (3)粗心大意造成的错误;(4)记忆方面的错误等。 争取做一道题有一道题的收获。 “只有会思考的学生,才是成功的学生”。 Self-analysis(自我分析) 阅读C篇:29 B 30 D 31 A 32 C 语法填空:61 lived 62 to 63 tying 64 which 65 How 66 nor 67 a 68 eagerly 69 imaginary 70 relief 短文改错:71 like后加it 72 reason →reasons 73 cover →covers 74 Equal → Equally 75 is →are 76 where →which 77 making →make 78 young前面的the → a 79 what去掉 80 popularer→popular Group work: discuss the task in your group with your partners(小组成员讨论完成本组任务) Group3 task1:reading comprehension(阅读理解) gr


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