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京杭大运河·杭州宣传册文案 主题:邂逅大运河 风情最杭州 Have a reencounter with the Grand Canal, the Most Charming Part of Hangzhou 京杭大运河(杭州段)简介: Introduction of Grand Canal (Hangzhou Section) 京杭大运河始凿于春秋,至今已有2400多年的历史,横跨冀、鲁、苏、浙四省和京、津两市,全长1794公里,是世界上开凿最早、规模最大、里程最长的人工运河。京杭大运河是祖先留给我们最珍贵的物质和精神财富,是活着的,流动的重要人类遗产。 First dug in Spring and Autumn Period, Grand Canal has a history of over 2400 years. It runs across four provinces, i.e. Hebei, Shandong, Jiangsu, Zhejiang Provinces, two municipal cities, i.e. Beijing and Tianjin, with total length of 1794 km. It is the longest, largest and most ancient canal in world. Grand Canal is the precious material and spiritual wealth left by our ancestors and is an important living and flowing heritage of human being. 大运河是杭州旅游的一张金名片,也是江南水乡文化体验的经典目的地。大运河流经了富庶儒雅的钱塘佳丽地,记录了杭州繁华孤独的沧桑沉浮和白墙粉黛的市井百态。不管是徒步、舟游,还是骑行、小憩,都可以触摸到杭州运河华而不燥的厚重之感,欣赏到运河无处不在的风雅之美。 Grand Canal is a highlight of tourism in Hangzhou as well as a classic destination for understanding water-town culture in south and lower reach of Yangtze River. The Grand Canal passes through rich and refined Qiantang Land, witnesses the vicissitude of the prosperous ancient capital- Hangzhou and the folk customs of the locals living in white-wall and black-tile residents. You may touch the splendid and profound culture and enjoy the overwhelming and refined beauty of the Grand Canal by hiking, boating, cycling or just sitting there. 大运河在杭州呈现了一幅“流动的中华文明,休闲的天堂画卷”。在这里,外国人领略“很中国”,中国人感受“很杭州”,杭州人感受“很时尚”。 Grand Canal Hangzhou Section presents a scroll of “flowing Chinese civilization and paradise for leisure”. Expats find “authentic Chinese flavor”, Chinese find “authentic Hangzhou flavor” and Hangzhouese find it “very fashionable” here. 拱宸桥 Gongchen Bridge 拱宸桥始建于明崇祯四年(1631),“宸”指帝王所居之处,“拱”即为拱手相迎的意思,所以拱宸桥象征着对古代帝王南巡杭州时的相迎与敬意。拱宸桥横跨运河东西两岸,桥形巍峨高大,气魄雄伟。桥身长约92米,高约16米,是杭城古桥中最高、最长的石拱桥,也是京杭大运河南端的标志。 Gongchen Bridge was built in the 4th year of Chongzhen reign in Ming Dynasty (1631), “Chen” means emperor’s residence, “Gong” means


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