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汽车零部件行业发展研究 ——以丰田汽车仓储贸易(上海)有限公司为例 摘 要 汽车零配件行业已经成为汽车产业新一轮的竞争热点,传统零配件企业纷纷增加产能,扩大生产规模;宝钢、五粮液国内知名企业也在积极筹划,准备多元化经营进入汽车零配件行业;与此同时,国际知名的零配件企业开始了新一轮的扩张和布局,伟世通、德尔福和博世通过收购和独资逐步形成了自身在该行业领域的竞争厚势。但客观上来看,国内的零配件行业缺乏竞争力,除个别企业外,大多研发水平低,缺乏核心技术和研发能力。 随着WTO协议的实施,国内零配件行业将逐步进入一个整合的过程,外资企业通过独资和收购将进一步加强了在该领域的控制力,同时整车行业的加速发展,也将带来国内零配件行业新的管理革命。同时,我国“十一五”规划对全面提升汽车零配件行业竞争力的定位,为我国汽车零配件的发展带来了大好机遇。今后,汽车零配件及配件行业将迎来一个发展的新时期。【1】 本文首先从国内外汽车零配件业的发展特点与现状进行研究,概述我国零配件行业近几年的发展情况,对我国零配件行业有个初步的了解。然后就目前国内零配件现状及行业存在的一些问题进行研究讨论,并进一步就我国国情对几种发展策略结合研究企业进行了分析。最后以研究企业成功之路作为行业方向,对我国零配件行业提出了建议并进行了展望。 关键词:汽车零配件,TPCS,发展策略 Development of automotive parts industry - By Toyota Motors Warehousing and Trading (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. as an example ABSTRACT Auto parts industry has become a new round of competition in the automotive industry hot spot, the traditional spare parts enterprises have added capacity to expand production scale; Baosteel, Wuliangye well-known companies are also actively planning in preparation for diversification into the auto parts industry; with this Meanwhile, the internationally renowned parts companies have begun a new round of expansion and layout, Visteon, Delphi and Bosch through acquisitions and wholly-owned gradually formed itself in the field of competition in the industry trend thick. But the objective point of view, the domestic parts industry uncompetitive, in addition to individual enterprises, most of the low level of R D, lack of core technologies and R D capabilities. With the implementation of WTO agreements, the domestic parts industry will gradually enter into a consolidation process, through wholly-owned foreign-funded enterprises and acquisitions will further strengthen its presence in the area of control, while the accelerated development of automobile industry, but also will bring the domestic zero - parts industry, the new management revolution. At the same time, Chinas Eleventh Five-Year Plan to enhance the comprehensive competitiveness of auto parts industry, the positio



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