江苏省八年级英语下册《Unit 8 A green world 》:Reading I.ppt

江苏省八年级英语下册《Unit 8 A green world 》:Reading I.ppt

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江苏省八年级英语下册《Unit 8 A green world 》:Reading I

Unit 8;Unit 8 A green world;Reading I;1. 打算、计划做某事 2. 植更多的树 3. 在花园里挖沟 4. 种植水果面包树;5. 对……有好处 6. 减少空气污染 7. 严重的,严肃的 8. 节约水/能源 9. 引起严重的空气污染;Presentation;;;;plastic separate recycling allow cut down punish fine limit;depend depend on /upon rich resource wisely run out produce difference make a difference (to sb/sth) ;Match the words on the left with the meaning on the right.;Warming up;Switzerland is a beautiful country with high mountains and clean blue lakes.;Kitty’s online friend Martina is a middle school student in Switzerland. She’s writing in her blog on World Environment Day. Read the article and find out more information about Switzerland.;When’s World Environment Day? World Environment Day is on 5 June.;Kitty made some notes of Martina’s blog on a piece of paper, but her mother tore it up by mistake. Listen to the tape and help her match the two halves of the sentences. Write the correct letters in the blanks.;a are separated into different groups and recycled. b energy from the sun, wind and water. c to protect the environment. d with high mountains and clean blue lakes. e because we depend on its rich resources to live. f to collect old clothes from around the country.;3 An organization was set up _____ 4 The government has laws _____ 5 We should protect nature _____ 6 People are starting to use ______;After reading Martina’s article, Kitty has written down the main points of the paragraphs. Write the correct numbers of the paragraphs in the boxes.;P1.____ P2.____ P3.____ P4.____ P5.____;Listen to the first paragraph carefully and answer the questions.;1. What can be recycled in Switzerland? 2. What does Martina’s family do with their old clothes?;3. Does Switzerland have laws to protect the environment? 4. What will happen if you drop litter in a public place in Switzerland?;1. What are the new ways to get energy? 2. What are the advantages of these new types of en


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