江苏省兴化市昭阳湖初级中学七年级英语下册《Unit 4 Finding your ways Study skills》课件 (新版)牛津版.ppt

江苏省兴化市昭阳湖初级中学七年级英语下册《Unit 4 Finding your ways Study skills》课件 (新版)牛津版.ppt

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江苏省兴化市昭阳湖初级中学七年级英语下册《Unit 4 Finding your ways Study skills》课件 (新版)牛津版

英语中声调的升高和降低,构成了语调,语调是句子的语音特征。 语调可以使话语的含义明确而完整。英语语调的作用主要表现在两个方面,一是说明句子中单词或意群之间的语法关系,二是表明说话人的态度和感情。 语调的类型 英语的语调有降调、升调、升降调和降升调等。这里主要讲降调和升调 降调是英语中最常见的音调变化,表示确定和完整,主要用于陈述句、特殊疑问句、祈使句和感叹句等句子中。降调的特点是从句子的第一个重读音节开始到句子的结束,声调采取逐步降低的趋势,形成音调的阶梯下降情况。例如: John swims ↘well Where do you↘ live? Listen to the ↘teacher. How happy I↘am! 升调是英语中又一个常用的音调,表示不确定和不完整。表示一句话还没有说完或者征求别人的意见。升调一般用于一句话的开头、一般疑问句的结尾和选择疑问句的结尾。例如: After this ↗month, I will work Is she ↗busy? Are you a↗ student or a teacher? Millie: Hi, Sandy. Tomorrow is Saturday. Would you like to go and see a film? Sandy: Yes, Id like to. Which cinema do you want to go to? Millie: The one at Sunshine Shopping Mall. Sandy: Sunshine Shopping Mall? Millie: Sure. We can go shopping there too. Sandy: Good idea. When shall we meet? Millie: Is 2 p.m. OK? Sandy: All right. See you then. * Unit 4 Finding your ways Study skills zebra crossing go straight on turn right turn left crossroads traffic lights Jingyuan North Road Ganquan West Road Doliang Road north east south west north-east south-east south-west north-west 英语的语调 When we speak, we drop our tone at the end of a statement. There is a path between the hill. Pandas are cute. When we ask a yes/no, our tone rises at the end of the question. Are there any lions? Is the zoo far away from our school? When we ask a wh-question, our tone usually falls at the end of the question. What can you see across the bridge? How do I get there? We make our tone rise at the end of a sentence to show surprise. A: The zoo is about three kilometres away from our school? B: Three kilometres. *


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