法国人的特点francai-french character.ppt

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法国人的特点francai-french character

French Character a. indolent/lazy b. arrogant/conceited c. civilized WPS Office Simple, Powerful and free 曾在法国留学的钱钟书在《围城》中写道: “说得好听点,法国人讲求享受生活,说得难听点,法国人太懒散,做事混乱而不经心。” “法国人享受的闲暇时间堪称全球第一,百姓仍不满足。补其不足的就是罢工了。每年九月是假期结束重新工作的时刻,却也是工会组织大罢工的良好佳机。以致世人总结道:冬天有带薪休假,秋天则有罢工,一年四季优哉游哉。” a. indolent/lazy Holiday is holy and inviolable.(假日神圣不可侵犯) --work cannot invade holiday, while holiday can take up work time. Almost all the Frenchmen have a long holiday in July and August . They spend their holidays on the beach, in the mountainous areas, abroad or domestically. Provence C?te d’Azur (The Blue Coast) WPS Office Simple, Powerful and free “法国这个民族天性浪漫、散漫、粗枝大叶。于是为了避免出现失误,只好依靠繁琐的制度来弥补。比如外国人申请留居,必须自己提供一份带有地址和邮票的信封。因为警察局的办事人员经常地把地址搞错。” --钱钟书 Bureaucratic means involving complicated rules and procedures which cause long delays. lazy bureaucratic WPS Office Simple, Powerful and free France is the most bureaucratic country in the world, with almost twice as many civil servants as Germany and three times as many as Japan. In order to accomplish remotely official in France, 98 forms must be completed in quintuplicate, each of which must be signed by 47 officials in 31 different government departments. When dealing with civil servants you must never show your impatience, which is like a red rag to a bull. WPS Office Simple, Powerful and free b. arrogant/conceited Parisians believe that anybody who doesn’t live in Paris is a peasant and beneath contempt. The French class system is based on birthright rather than wealth and money doesn’t determine or buy status. As in most western countries, there is a huge and widening gap between the rich and the poor, e.g. business tycoons and the lowest-paid workers, particularly those living in rural areas. The best way to become and remain rich in France is to be born with a platinum spoon in your mouth. Parisians foreigners WPS Office Simple, Powerful and free They look down upon tourists and foreigners because they are convinced of their own superi


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