法国 巴黎文化 英文PPT.ppt

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法国 巴黎文化 英文PPT

To take you into Paris, France Charming Louvre Elysee Paris Opera Paris Arc de Triomphe The Eiffel Tower Pantheon Fontainebleau Champs Elysees Chartres Cathedral Sainte Chapelle Millau Viaduct Sunset Seine Versailles Palace Provence 7 August between the windward lavender bloom, a rich ruby color decorated green valley, slightly spicy scent of a mixture of coke have been drying grass fragrance, are woven into the south of Frances most memorable atmosphere. * * 巴黎圣母院 Dame de Paris Notre Notre Dame is a Gothic-style church is an ancient symbol of Paris. 迷人的卢浮宫 The Louvre has a very tortuous and complicated history, which is in turn the history of France and Paris as well as intricate interwoven together. People come here of course, to witness the world-famous art treasures, but also want to see the Louvre of the building itself, because it is both a great art masterpieces, but also in France almost a thousand years of history witness. Have lived here for 50 King and Queen of France,there are many famous artists lived here. 卢浮宫有着非常曲折、复杂的历史,而这又是和巴黎以至法国的历史错综地交织在一 起的。人们到这里当然是为了亲眼看到举世闻名的艺术珍品,同时也是想看卢浮宫这 座建筑本身,因为它既是一件伟大的艺术杰作,也是法国近千年来历史的见证。这里曾 经居住过50位法国国王和王后,还有许多著名艺术家在这里生活过。 卢浮宫藏图 Louvre zaungtu Brokeback Venus Nike Lisa 爱丽舍宫 Elysee Palace is located in the heart of Paris, Elysee Avenue, north garden, which is a large two-story masonry building. 巴黎歌剧院 巴黎歌剧院长173米,宽125米,建筑总面积1 1237平方米。剧院有着全世界最大的舞 台,可同时容纳450名演员。剧院里有2200个座位。演出大厅的悬挂式分枝吊灯重约八吨。 其富丽堂皇的休息大厅堪与凡尔赛宫大镜廊相媲美,里面装潢豪华,四壁和廊柱布满巴 洛克式的雕塑、挂灯、绘画,有人说这儿豪华得像是一个首饰盒,装满了金银珠宝。它艺 术氛围十分浓郁,是观众休息、社交的理想场所。 Paris Opera length 173 meters wide, 125 m, 1237 square meters total construction area of 1. Theater has the worlds largest stage, can accommodate 450 performers. There are 2,200-seat theater. Performance hall chandelier hanging branches weighing about eight tons. Worthy of its magnificent lobby and the Versailles Palace Glaces comparable luxury decor inside, the walls and columns covered with Ba


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