清华英国社会与文化课件第四周British drinks - tea and beer_129403668.ppt

清华英国社会与文化课件第四周British drinks - tea and beer_129403668.ppt

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清华英国社会与文化课件第四周British drinks - tea and beer_129403668

British Drinks;Topics;Which of these countries consumes the most tea per person?;China?;;Why does the US drink very little tea?;Tea was a key part of the American Revolution;On December 16, 1773, rebel colonists dumped the tea cargo of 3 British ships into Boston harbour as a protest again the high taxes they had to pay on tea.;“The Americans love it very much, but they had resolved to drink it no longer, as the famous duty on the tea had occasioned the war.” (Samuel Adams);When did tea drinking begin in Britain?;Tea was first sold in Britain in 1658 - at first it was sold in London coffeehouses;It became fashionable after King Charles II married Catherine of Braganza in 1662.;British East India Company (1600) The first tea imports to Britain were brought from China by the British East India Company in 1664. From 1720-1750 their tea imports quadrupled as tea drinking took off. Fleets of tea clippers raced to bring tea to Britain.;;The clipper races took place between Canton (Gaundong) and London;Larger ships could take about 12 – 15 months to sail to Asia - the clipper halved this time – 1850 the “Oriental” sailed from Hong Kong to London in 81 days;Clippers lost their advantage to steamships with the opening of the Suez Canal in 1869;The canal shortened the trade route and gave the steamships an advantage since they could carry more;;What other things helped to make tea popular?;Sugar harvested by slaves on American plantations made tea sweeter;From 1837 railways allowed fresh milk to be delivered to cities every day;Tea breaks helped to increase productivity;‘At half past three, everything stops for tea’;How many cups of tea do the British drink?;163 million cups of tea per day. 48 billion cups per year. 1,200 per person per year 74,000 per person per lifetime 4 cups per person per day;The British drink 3-4 times more tea than coffee;Tea was especially popular in World War Two;During Wold War Two British tea consumption was at it’s high


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