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环境工程专业英语 Specialty English of Environmental Engineering What’ s the contents of “Specialty English of Environmental Engineering” Listen to English news program Oral English, presentation Reading science articles Writing papers, abstracts Why shall we learn “Specialty English of Environmental Engineering”? Learn the latest technologies of the world-listen to news Communicate with the foreign exports-oral English Study on environmental issues- reading articles Publish your research findings- writing papers How can we learn “Specialty English of Environmental Engineering”? Practice , Practice and Practice! Open, Confident, Active Believe me, Follow me and Encourage me Goals To be a qualified Engineer of Environmental Engineering of morden society! Goals 1.Listening to English News Program Special VOA, standard VOA, CNN 2.Fluent Oral English Presentation For interviews, Seminar ,Reports We will hold a international conference in our class, if possible Goals 3.Reading tips for English articles Title, author, abstract, introduction, materials and methods; results and discussion; conclusion; acknowledgement 4.Writing an abstract of an English paper Writing an English CV for Job Tense, voice, Gramer, Format Methods 1. Presentation 2. Listening and Dictation of VOA special English 3. Class Game 4. Reading Translation Training Prepare a piece of paper, write down what you want to from this class Presentation of self-introduction How to make a good presentation with Powerpoint slides? Introduce yourself or your partner! Environmental engineering reading materials What’s the Waste Water and wastewater plants Words: Dump: 倾倒,垃圾堆 Cease: 停止 suspended solids : 悬浮物 sewage :下水,下水道,污水 subset: 子集,部分 cesspool :化粪池 faucet :水龙头 Pathogens:病原体 replenish :补充 Scum:浮渣,污渍 Rake: 刮板,耙子 What’s the Waste Water and wastewater plants Questions: What are the components of waste water


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