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细菌的鞭毛运动机制 Yonekura K et al., 2003 Cryo-Tomography of Whole Cells Murphy et al., 2006, Nature 20 individual flagellar motor sub-tomograms were aligned, averaged, and symmetrized. Tomography of Treponema primitia whole cell embedded in ice. From Jensen’s Lab at Cal Tech 细菌中磁性小体的分布 什么是生物物理学? 生物物理学通过对生物体或者生物分子的直接物理参数的测量来揭示生命现象的内在规律。 Direct 生物物理学始终处于技术上的最前沿。 Cool 生物物理学通常提供精彩的图像和模型。 Fancy 生物物理与冷冻电镜 王宏伟 生物新馆320 hongweiwang@mail.tsinghua.edu.cn The Inner Life of The Cell * * The intensity of radiation decays exponentially as it travels through a substance = 1st order linear differential equation for decay of I. * ***2011: WORK ON TRANSITION TO NEXT SLIDE. Trp is fluorescent due to ring system in side chain. Trp absorption ~280 nm; emission ~330 nm Based on figure shown here, what happens to single Trp residue upon ligand binding? **2011 DON’T GET THIS WRONG IN CLASS AGAIN!!! By mapping which Trp accessibilities are affected by ligand binding, can ID binding site. * Dependence of E on R^6 is useful to estimate distance between fluorophores. For example, can determine how proteins assemble, or whether two protein regions come into close proximity. * Note that can only see fluo when LacI is bound to DNA because otherwise it moves too fast and fluo is blurred out. On average only 1 copy of LacI per cell! (only 1 binding site per genome) This gives the first quantitative measurement of how individual DNA binding proteins search for their target sequences in a living cell. = So can actually get a lot of info just by tracking movements of a single molecule over time. * * * * 生物物理学与冷冻电镜 王宏伟 生物新馆320 hongweiwang@mail.tsinghua.edu.cn 什么是生物物理学? 生物物理学是运用物理学的理论、技术和方法,研究生命物质的物理性质、生命过程的物理和物理化学规律,以及物理因素对生物系统作用机制的科学。 -互动百科 一个生物个体的物理学参数: 身高,体重,胸围,头围,年龄,。。。 变化 蛋白质分子的物理学参数: 分子量,形状,位置,运动速度,浓度,。。。 结构变化 Why do the parameters matter? Molecular Weight 分子量 (MW) 质谱(Mass Spectrometry) 测定分子量 Why do the parameters matter? Molecular Weight 分子量 (MW) Why do the parameters matter? 位置,运动与变化的速度


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