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毕业论文(设计) 恬家公司遥控精灵网站设计与实现 院 系:信息科学与技术学院 专 业:电子商务 学 号: 姓 名:颜青青 导 师:曾贞(讲师) 2014年 5 月 10 日 定稿 恬家公司遥控精灵网站设计与实现 摘 要 当前是商务网络化、实际需求快速化的背景,流行于21世纪电子商务日渐成熟,不可否认,其优势和精髓已成为推动全球经济增长的闪光点,在全球迅速弥漫开来。它是IT技术和商务运行项结合而产生的一种新型的商务交易过程,具有集信息技术与商务技术为一体的复合特征。在不断上升的趋势之中,拓展的领域也有了相应的新变革。我的遥控精灵网站也是其电子商务新变革中的小小一部分产物。电器在家家户户不可或缺,遥控器自然也是其必备附属品。五花八门的遥控器占据了我们的空间、所以我们需要一款类似收纳盒的东西去降服他们,因此,本文通过对电子商务相关网站和遥控精灵产品的研究,采用Dreamweaver、ACCESS等工具,系统流程图、ER图等方法,设计出了恬家遥控精灵网站,来实现一机多控的遥控器展示功能和购买功能,从小层面上实现了家电遥控的神话。网站从其简洁的页面布局,从开发到优化实现了强大的分类功能管理,让用户可以快捷创建留言,统计投票百分比,人才招聘,在线购买等,让零距离交流成为可能,能受到用户的青睐。并且网站会从其设计理念上遵循消费者意见不断完善,结合手机APP和网站来突破流量记录,感谢广大粉丝支持。 关键字:电子商务,动态网站,遥控精灵,数据库 REMOTE WIZARD WEBSITE DESIGN AND IMPLEMENTATION ——TIQIAA’S COMPANY ABSTRACT In the 21st century, network business and the actual needs of fast,the popular e-commerce matures, it is undeniable, and the essence of its advantages to promote global economy has become a bright spot in the world, spread out rapidly. It is a new type of business transaction process combining IT technologies and commerce operation, there are sets of information technology and commerce as one of the complex features。Rising, expanding new areas has also been a corresponding change. My remote site is one of the little elves part of the product. Indispensable in every household appliances, remote control is its essential nature accessories. A wide variety of remote control occupy our space, so we need a storage box to surrender them, therefore, this paper studies related to e-commerce sites and remote control products, using Dreamweaver, ACCESS and other tools, system flowcharts, ER diagrams and methods, designed the home tiqiaa remote site wizard to achieve a multi-function control and purchasing feature, from small appliances to achieve the remote control on the level of myth. Website from simple page layout, from development to optimization reali


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