电影《亲爱的》 赏析.ppt

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电影《亲爱的》 赏析

Zhao starred in the film as a lost child, but not willing to succumb to the fate , a rural mother. This role has a legendary encounter intense inner feelings and complexity of each step of the walk is very difficult, very persistent. 赵薇在片中出演一个失去孩子,却不甘心向命运屈服的农村母亲。这个角色具有传奇般的遭遇和复杂激烈的内心情感,每一步都走得非常艰辛、非常执着。 Tian Wenjun is a tragic father. Children lost, struggling to find his son three years, finally found it, but in return, meet strangers, the gripping facts. 田文军是一位悲情父亲。孩子丢了,他苦苦寻找三年,好不容易找到了,却换来“相见不相识”的揪心事实。 Lu Xiaojuan is Tian Wenjuns wife, their marriage breakdown, the only remaining link is the child, but the child was lost, which makes Lu Xiaojuan near collapse. 鲁晓娟是田文军的妻子,两人婚姻破裂,唯一剩下的联系就是孩子,但孩子却走失了,这让鲁晓娟几近崩溃。 Gao Xia, a lawyer to help the mother recover her children . 高夏,一个帮助母亲寻回孩子的律师。 Leader Han, wealthy, tracing mutual aid groups, he is the most positive and most on behalf of the firm to find children. 韩总,富商,寻亲互助团体的负责人,找寻孩子最积极也最坚定的代表. In the dearest, Tian wenjun (Huang bo) and Lu xiaojuan (Hao lei) is a divorced couple who pretty much have moved on with their lives. That is until the day their 3-year-old son goes missing. You can guess most of what happens for the next hour: there’s panic and tears, visits to the police station and the divorcees turning to each other again to find their son. When Tian receives a tip suggesting his son has been spotted in Anhui (13 hours by the train), the film then follows how Tian and his ex-wife rationalize the decision to steal a child they believe to be theirs back from its new mother, Li hongqin (Zhao Wei). Dearest may not be a sophisticated film, but it manages to hit audiences twice—first in the heart and later in the head. It shines a light on the ugly problem of child abduction in society, and raises intriguing questions about what authorities should do to handle this unusual situation. 高永侠今年42岁,2008年上半年的一天,其丈夫韩某从外地带来一个四岁左右的男孩,并称是其在外边和别的女人生的孩子,让她好好抚养。高永侠信以为真,给孩子取名韩龙飞,上学后改名为韩伟成。2010年丈夫患癌症死亡后,高永侠独自抚养韩伟成。 据媒体的早前报道,对丈夫


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