电影推荐 The Perks of Being a Wallflower.ppt

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电影推荐 The Perks of Being a Wallflower

The Perks of Being a Wallflower Introduction The film adapted from the famous America adolescent novels written by the author Stephen Chbosky who directed it.The film sets the popular idol together and tells the story of a boy called wallflower meets the friend who is the most important in his life and the final out of the darkness of the story. The actors Logan Lerman Emma Watson Ezra Miller Story Charlie is a shy and lonely boy who is sensitive and beyond lacrimal gland age.He always silently observes close family and friends and he is a typical juvenile wallflower. His adolescent is full of all kinds of setbacks, who has experienced the aunt to buy him a birthday present, best friend died, Dutch act by peer pressure bullying, unrequited love is not responding to all kinds of things. However, Charlie is not the most miserable, because too much and he was living in stand in the corner. He is lucky to have an enlightened teacher and two high grade friends: rebellious Jiaoqiao girls Bashan and confident gay boy Patrick, they let Charlie understand that sometimes cant always look on, must participate in order to have their own wonderful. 获奖情况 第28届独立精神奖 最佳处女作 第15届青少年选择奖 最佳剧情片 第15届青少年选择奖 最佳剧情片男演员 * *


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