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Basic Telephone Components Transmitter (microphone) Receiver Power Supply (originally a battery in each phone, now at central office) All elements were originally connected in series. This arrangement worked, but had many problems. It did not transfer energy well to the line (because of impedance mismatching) - resulting in low received speech signal volume “Optional” Components or Improvements Induction Coil (transformer between transmitter and receiver patented by Edison in 1878 which provided sidetone and better impedance matching) see Figure Switch Hook (on/off switch) Ringer Hand-cranked magneto (now obsolete, formerly used to signal the operator) Dialing mechanism (Rotary or TouchTone) Balance Network (1918 ATT, to provide balanced sidetone so you can hear yourself at about the same volume as the party you are calling) see Figure Hearing Yourself Better A telephone with improved sidetone A more complete version (circa 1910) Bell’s Microphone Basic principle: Voice input causes change in resistance which then modulates the current in the circuit. Bell’s original microphone used acid. The Edison Microphone Most common type (invented by Edison and still in use) uses carbon granules - when vibrated by attached diaphragm, the overall resistance alternately decreases (when particles are compacted) and increases (when particles are loosened) Microphone - continued nonlinear input-output characteristics suppress background noise (microphone does not respond to low level sounds) limits maximum output (so you can’t hurt someone’s ears by screaming!) Receiver similar to a loudspeaker we still use Bell’s basic design Rotary Dial produces 10 pulses/sec (pause longer than 1/10 sec is interpreted by central office as inter-digit separator) ingenious governor and clutch mechanism regulates the rotational speed Touchtone Dial Pressing a button produces a Dual Tone, Multiple Frequency (DTMF) signal - so you can’t imitate it by whistling Electro-Mechanical Ringer Br


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