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Project Highlights Outstanding Team: Having nearly tens years of professional experiences and resources in local IT software and hardware industry and management consulting; Deeply understanding local growing-up enterprises. Successfully established the second largest domestic IT distribution company with strong executive capability as advantages. Enterprising Spirit: The core team members gave up the Vice President position, high salary and managing power of a three billion business, investing mainly by himself to start up this project. Innovative Business Model: “Economy Management Training” as core business, through integrated marketing system ,such as direct sales, franchise, acquisitions and strategic alliances, the business can be copied and scaled speedily, and our aim is the largest training company in China. Customers are mid and high level managers, with huge potential to re-utilize, and we will be the enterprise service portal in the future. Large Potential Market: There are nearly 20 million small and medium-sized enterprises, of which about 5% are growing businesses, that is about 1 million. They need practical, simple operating management services with good prices. Supposed annual expense of each of them is 20,000 RMB averagely, the total market is about 20 Billion. With more and more small and medium-sized enterprises growing, the total market will keep growing. Marketing Opportunities The Gap for Human Resources is enlarging With Chinese economy and market growing, high competition and globalization, the demand for human resources is also expanding; Meanwhile, in a relative long cycle, there seems no trend in Chinese university education integrated with the enterprises demand, which make enterprises personal demand can not be alleviated through university education, the enterprises personal demands are not narrowing but enlarging with the Chinese economic developing Therefore,there is a huge potential market for C


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