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短篇英文作文【第一篇至第四十篇】 ●花崗國中英師:張獻敏整理2000/05/05● 1.我一生的計劃 16.論守時 31.對性的成熟態度 2.人文科學 17.談孤獨 32.性教育始自家庭 3.你長大以後要做什麼? 18.今日的教育 33.性與愛 4.做事的人 19.談毅力 34.社會習俗與行為 5.都市生活與鄉村生活 20.用功 35.露營 6.論勇敢 +談冒險 21.困擾的年紀 36.音樂欣賞 +歌唱帶來歡樂 7.談合作 22.代溝 ~二篇 37.談安全 8.談禮節 23.上醫院 38.遵守交通規則 +台灣的交通+交通安全 9.談文化 24.健康 39.水源污染 10.論死亡 25.談個人衛生 40.青年和國家 11.追求快樂 26.人都是相像的嗎? A.為世界和平與和諧而祈禱 12.論民主 27.量力而為 B.張老師是我一生中最好的教師~四篇 13.談平日的民主 28.電影的效果 C.我在中學時最大的難道~三篇 14.談勤勉 +勤勉與懶惰 29.談樂觀與悲觀 D.如果我是???~三篇 15.談人權 30.相似點與相異點 E.一趟旅程去???~三篇 F. G.拒抽二手煙 H.綽號 I.朋友 J.面對困難 K.我最尊敬的人 L.擠公車 M.我對民主的看法 N.保持愉快 O.我們應該學歷史嗎? P.禁止抽煙 Q.家~永恆的喜悦 R.不斷學習 S.家鄉素描 T.做決定 U.展望我的未來 V.我的隱憂 W.兵變 X.一通電話 Y. Z. §最後五篇(沒有編號),適合國三英語高材生及高中生,熟背後,可應用於各類型的聯考。 1.My Career?Plan【我一生的計劃】 During my high school years, I have found chemistry, physics, and mathematics interesting. Actually, I am interested in many subjects such as?biology, history, geography, Chinese, and English. But somehow I cannot remember the historical events or the facts about geography in detail. I cannot remember biological terms well, either. On the other hand, chemistry, physics, and mathematics are easy for me because they seem logical to me. After considering my interests and talents I feel that science or engineering might be the best choice for my career. I would like to study science or engineering in college. After graduation from college I hope to go for higher education overseas. Eventually I would like to return to school to teach. This is my career plan. 2. The Humanities【人文科學】 Since I was an elementary school student, I have been doing a great deal of reading and writing. I like philosophy, politics, and science as well as fairy tales. I study history carefully, especially the history about our own people and country. It is always enjoyable to sit on the grass in an open sir place reading my books. It is quite natural and clear to me that my major in college will be one of the humanities. I imagine that a career in teaching humanit



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