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? 码头靠泊装卸常用英语口语 1.? ? ? ? Port control, Port control, This is MV “Shanghai” calling, Over.?? 港调,港调,SHANGHAI轮呼叫,听到请回答。 2.? ? ? ? MV Shanghai, This is Shanghai Port control. Go ahead please. Over. SHANGHAI 轮,这是港调,请继续。 3.? ? ? ? Shanghai Port control, This is MV Shanghai. I want to know the berthing schedule of our ship. Over. 上海港调,这是SHANGHAI 轮。我想知道我的靠泊计划。 4.? ? ? ? MV Shanghai, your berthing schedule is as follow: the pilot will board your ship at 16:00 today and your ship will proceed to the berth directly. Please get the engine ready accordingly. Over.? SHANGHAI 轮,你的靠泊计划是:引航员将于16:00登你轮直接开往泊位,请备好主机。 5.? ? ? ? Thank you very much. We will wait the pilot. Over. 非常感谢,我们会等着引航员。 6.? ? ? ? Pilot station, Pilot station. This is MV Shanghai calling. Over 引航站,这是SHANGHAI 轮呼叫。 7.? ? ? ? MV Shanghai, this is pilot station. Over.? SHANGHAI 轮,这是引航站。 8.? ? ? ? Pilot station, this is MV Shanghai. When will the pilot board our ship? Over. 引航站,这是SHANGHAI轮,引航员何时上我船? 9.? ? ? ? The pilot will board your ship at 16:00. Please proceed to the pilot station. Over. 引航员将于16:00上你船,请直接开往引航站。? 10.? ? ? ? Good afternoon, Mr. Pilot. Our captain is waiting for you on the bridge. 下午好,引航员先生。我们船长正在驾驶台等你。 11.? ? ? ? Good afternoon, Mr. Pilot. I am the captain. Now the Engine is dead slow ahead, midships. 下午好,引航员先生。我是船长。现在船舶微速前进,正舵。 12.? ? ? ? Thank you .Captain, where is the ship’s particulars card? 谢谢。船长,船舶的技术细节在哪里? 13.? ? ? ? Over there, Mr. Pilot. 在那边,引航员先生。 14.? ? ? ? Oh, yes. Let me see the Harbour speed, LOA. 哦,对的。让我看看港速度、船舶全长。 15.? ? ? ? Captain, what is the ship’s draft now? 船长,船舶现在的吃水是多少? 16.? ? ? ? 8.4m forward, 9.0m after. 前吃水8.4m,后吃水9.0m。 17.? ? ? ? Mr. Pilot, which berth will we alongside? Which side alongside? 引航员先生,我们将靠哪一个泊位?哪一舷靠? 18.? ? ? ? We will berth at No 23. Port side alongside。 我们将靠第二十三号泊位。左舷靠。 19.? ? ? ? Are there any tugs and mooring boat available to assist us to alongside? 有没有拖轮和带缆艇协助我们靠泊?? 20.? ? ? ? Yes. Two tugs. You should take one tug in starboard bow, and the another in


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