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D My dream is to become a school teacher in the future. In fact, I had the dream of becoming a teacher since my childhood. There is no doubt whether teachers play a important role in children’s growth. have that an ∧ 动词时态 句子成分 冠词误用 E My name is Julie. As a nurse I work in a school to make sure that our children are health and able to learn. I work with teachers, school doctors and other to offer them some advice and help them when they had difficulties. healthy others have 形容词 不定代词 动词时态 1.My uncle was the biology professor. When I was young he was used to take me to the biology lab, when I saw pigs, cats and other animals. My uncle also influenced me through nature walks. He often takes me for a walk in the backyard. We would catch frogs and snake, and find fireflies in the sky. He seemed know everything about wildlife. Eighteen years later, think about my uncle and her influence on my life, I feel very lucky. I am grateful that I got the chance to learn for him. He helped me develop my interest in all that was alive and sometimes death around me. 2.Today Id like to tell you something that I experience in the City Park. In the afternoon of last Sunday, my friend and I were taking a walk along a river in the City Park, when suddenly we heard a boy call for help in the river. We jumped into the river or pulled the boy out. Then we made him to breathe using the mouth-to-mouth way.Before the boy came to himself, we sent her to hospital at once and telephoned his parents.The boy was saved. His parents were very thankful us and the doctors thought high of our first aid. We realized that knowing first aid is very help and important because it can help you to save lives. 3.Dear Alice, I was delighted to receive your letter. Thank you on the English dictionary you bought it for me. I received it this morning. There is no doubt which it is of great help to me. Im deep grateful for your advice that I should pay more attentions to practising my spoken Engli


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