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2.0Mt/a矿井型选煤厂初步设计 % ,属于中等可选煤。设计任务要求精煤产品灰分小于9%,水分小于10%.精煤产品作为炼焦煤,中煤与煤泥相混作为代销,矸石外运。 因大于50mm矸石只占入选原煤的4.46%,入厂原煤的含矸量为中矸,所以不考虑选前排矸作业,只需进行破碎。原煤中的煤泥含量较少,故不需要预先脱泥。采用两台直径为1.0m的无压三产品重介旋流器进行分选后产品分别进入精煤、中煤、矸石脱介筛。筛下由溜槽等管道收集合格介质和稀介质到相应的桶内。为了提高分选密度,并且减少煤泥量,精煤筛下的合格介质中有一少部分需要分流。由于粗煤泥含量极少,且灰分不高,故不考虑对粗煤泥使用分选设备,只进行分级脱水,然后加入各产品中。煤泥采用直接浮选工艺,使用加压过滤机来处理浮选精煤,而浮选尾煤则在浓缩后用快开压滤机进行处理。 关键词:选煤厂,旋流器,煤泥,浮选 THE DESIGN OF 2.0MT/A PITHED COAL PREPARATION PLANT ABSTRACT The design is for the large-scale shaft mode coal preparation plant of 2.0 million.The raw coal to be washed are the Xiqu raw coal and Malan raw coal which are mixed in the proportion of five:. The ash content of the raw coal is 22.49% ,which makes the coal middling to wash.The task of the design is to make the ash content of the washed coal be less than 9%,the moisture content be less than 10%.And the washed coal will act as coking coal, middlings and sludge will be mixed and sold seperately,and the reject will be carried away. For the reject whose particle sizes are larger than fifty millimeters occupy the feed’s 4.46% , which is middling ,we have no need to do anything to exclude them, just crashing before washing.The sludge content of the raw coal is not too much,so slimeseparation ahead isn’t needed.Separated by the two no-pressur media cyclones whose diameter is 1.0 meters,the coal will be carried to the washed coal 、the middlings and the rejects sculping screens separately.The materials that below the mesh screens will acess to corresponding qualified media and sparse media casks.In order to increase the separation density and decrease the sludge content,a part of the qualified media form the washed coal sculping screen should be distributed. Content is extremely low as a result of coarse coal and ash is not high, it does not consider the use of crude coal sorting equipment, only graded dehydration, and then adding the products.During the direct floatation craft, the flotation concertrates will be dealt by a dissepiment press


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