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第六日 ppt

* * * * * * * * * * * “The sixth day” was filmed by director Roger spotty wood, action, science fiction, thriller. cloning, the most popular topic. Starring Arnold Schwarzenegger, Michael rappaport , Michael lockyer, Sarah winter, Tony goldwyn, etc. 《第六日》是由导演罗杰·斯波蒂伍德拍摄的动作、科幻、惊悚片,最热门的话题—克隆。主演有阿诺·施瓦辛格,迈克尔·拉帕波特,迈克尔·洛克尔,萨拉·温特,托尼·高德温等。 讲述一个男人(亚当-吉布森 )如何挽救自己家人和自己生命的惊险故事。 Tell a man (Adam Gibson) how to save his family and his life of the thrilling story. The boss and his partners 由于背景设计在不久的将来,所有人们日常生活中使用的工具,在电影里也变得未来感十足,如可以遥控的直升机、汽汽车语音驾驶系统等。但最令人喷饭的,还是可以在家中走动的虚拟伴侣,以及长得和自己小孩一模一样的机器娃娃。 Because the background design in the near future, all the tools people use in everyday life, in the movie are more futuristic, such as steam can remote control helicopter, car voice driving system, etc. But the most inspiring laugh-out-loud, or virtual partner can walk around in the home, and to grow with their children the same machine. his children the same machine virtual partner On the sixth day, god created the human. Nowadays, science and technology of human cloning. In the future, technology has developed so fast that can clone any creatures, such as, fishes, sheep, even human being, but the ambitious scientists continue to clone person. The one of successive lab product is Adam. Back home, they found themselves replaced by a clone, he was out of the house. What is worse, the creators of conspiracy to hide the truth, sent killer to kill him, in order to escape, but also to regain his all, he with the mysterious mastermind behind the fighting started wit. Someday, his family was caught away, so, he and his clones together to rescue the family, then, the one family reunion.


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