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智 课 网 雅 思 备 考 资 料 2015年3月12日雅思听读写考情回顾及解析 2015年3月12日雅思听力真题回忆 Section 1 旧题 V121103S1 课程安排 填空10 1. coursetime: 10:00-11:00 ? 2. location:town 3. distance 4. nearby:hill 5. fee:£14.40 6. havea small: shop 7. mealsinclude: soup 8. facilities:free parking 9. youshould brings: plastic software 10. contactthe person: WHRRGHU (不确定) Section 2 旧题V07224S2;如何减少汽车燃料消耗 选择题+图表标注题 11. Buses canalter to use: natural gas 12. They canchange to utilize small engines, as the fuels consumption will not be as that heavy 13. 同时搭载3 adults at least ????可以转到lane上? 14. Go fill yourgas tank on Tuesdays as it will save you a lot 15. Do not needto warm up the engine before starting to drive. 16. Furthermore,one need to clear the oil filter regularly. 17. Keep window closed 18. Keep trunkload empty 19. Use standard grade oil but higher ones 20. When hedrives, one should do this on smooth road asmuch as he can. Section 3 新题;男女讨论土壤生态问题 21-26选择题 21. When soil is capturingcarbon dioxide is concerned, the outcome B. faster in drysoil 22. 混凝土concrete添加剂有什么应用或优点 C.waste recycled循环利用,原文说一石二鸟kill 2birds with 1 stone 23. Hector’s article ignoredthe problem of Hector 的文章忽略了什么问题? A.potential danger tutor …… risk一个潜在的危险 24. what can reduce theharmful effect 如何减少有害影响 A. specialized tools使用特殊工具,原文说的是professionalinstrument 25. most interesting part ofthe woman’s research is in 女人的研究中最有意思的一部分是 A. geographicrange 26. the male student’ssuggestion 提出一个能改善的建议是: C.introduce a new law 引入新法律 ,原文提到there willbe some regulation 27 – 30 matching 学生对写论文的看法 A. onlyHactor (male) B. onlyFlocia (female) C. boththe Hactor and Flocia 27. applied new radicalresearch method – C 28. difficulty in reading,make readers more interested (challenge) – B


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