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1. why did the chicken crossed the road ? 为什么鸡要过马路? * Today we just for fun There are some riddles(谜语), try your best to guess it , just answer it Don’t be shy , just try First one is get to the other side The second one is escape Kentucky Fried Chicken (KFC) 2. why did Mozart chop his pet chickens’ heads off ? 为什么莫扎特要砍掉他宠物鸡的头? Because they kept saying, “Bach(巴赫), Bach, Bach…” Bach(巴赫)和buck(母鸡的叫声),发音相似 3.What did Beethoven do after he died? 贝多芬死后干什么? After he died, he decomposed.(腐烂,分解了) 4, why did Hitler finally decide to commit suicide ? 为什么希特勒最后决定自杀? Because he saw the gas bill from the genocide. 因为他看到大屠杀的瓦斯账单 5, what to do if a blonde throws a grenade at you ? 如果一个金发美女向你扔一个手榴弹,你该怎么办? First, pull out the pin . 首先拔掉保险栓 Then, throw it back. 然后把它扔回去 6, A dog and a boy went together to school every day, but one day they have to separated. Why ?? Because the dog graduated . 7, why did a man played his radio in the morning ? 为什么一个人只在早上听收音机? Because this is an AM radio. 因为这是一台只在早上收听广播的收音机 广播的听方式有FM和AM两种 The answer is very easy , but in our life, we are worried about more and most time we missed the chance, why we are care about more, because we just want success, we afraid fail. If we think it easy , maybe we will find ourselves a different life, if you want do something, just do it!


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