美剧简介,适合做duty report.ppt

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美剧简介,适合做duty report

Do you like watch U.S. TV series? Nowadays, more and more people learn English, and there are many ways to study English well. If you ask someone who’s English is very well how to improve the oral English, he may suggest that you can watch some American or English TVs. I don’t know whether this method is effective or not. But at least ,it’s not a bad thing. Maybe you can have a try. Now, let me tell you some basic information about U.S. TV series. The TV is broadcasted in the form of season One season usually has 20~30 episode(集) It is broadcasted one episode a week The Emmy awards(美国电视剧艾美奖) which is usually held in Sept. marked the opening of the new broadcasting season from Sept. to April (the following year) The US TV series is broadcasting while shooting(拍摄). Huge investment The soap opera usually broadcast in the daytime. When it come to the festivals and big events like Christmas and Olympic games , the series will go off air for weeks even months. Emmy Awards is the highest award in the U.S. television industry. Audience ratings is very important . When a series have a low audience rating , the series will be cut . On the contrary, it will get renewal (更新) for the next season. Some famous broadcasting company (CBS)The Columbia broadcasting company   One of the big three U.S. radio and television company, main is some crime drama, including CSI criminal minds“ 哥伦比亚广播公司(CBS),美国三大广播电视公司之一,主打的都是些罪案剧,包括《CSI》《犯罪心理》等。 (NBC)(The national broadcasting company One of the big three, Americas first national radio network, the main repertoire are friends law and order ?三巨头之一,美国第一个全国性广播网,主要剧目 有《老友记》《法律与秩序》 (CW) (Columbia and Warner Brothers) ?Columbia and Warner Brothers joint network (CW), the evil force , the United States eyebrow school Gossip Girl and the vampire diaries is the representative program. 哥伦比亚及华纳兄弟联合电视网(CW),《邪恶力量》《美眉校探》《超人前传》《绯闻女孩》(Gossip Girl)《吸血鬼日记》都是其代表剧目 Next I will introduce the drama I think classic and suitable for us to watch T


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