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9 4 () Vo.l 9No. 4 2009 12 JOURNAL OF NAN JING NORMAL UN IVERSITY ( ENG INEERING AND TECHNOLOGY EDIT ION ) Dec, 2009 应用于气象雷达的快速太阳法标定软件设计 1 1 1 2 王 婷 , 吴 宁, 洪佳洁 , 吴 雷 ( 1. , 210016; 2. , 230088) [] , , Linux . : , , ; socket, UDP. , , . [] , , L inux [ ] TP31111 [] A [] 1672 1292(2009) 04 0016 05 D esign of a Software of Fast Solar Calibration U sed for W eather Radar 1 1 1 2 W ang T ing , W u N ing , Hong J iaj ie , W u Le i ( 1. College of Inform ation Technology Science, Nanjing University ofAeronautics and Astronautics, Nanjing 210016, China; 2. AnhuiSun Create Electronics Co. , Ltd, Hefei230088, China) A bstrac t: The software designed in th is paper is used to calibrate the pointing accuracy of the w eather radar antenna, and is app licab le to the radar w ith h igh precision in antenna positioning. Th ism ethod takes the sun as the reference ob ject. The tmi e of calibrating is shortened in wt ow ays. The scann ing scope of the weather radar isnarrow ed by setting the location of the radar antennaw ith theoretical position of the sun previously to shorten the search ing tmi e. The real tmi e data transm ission betw een radar front end system and the softw are is accomp lished by using UDP m ulticast m ode and mu ltith reading mechan ism. The software is developed in Eclipse IDE w ith Q t based on the L inux OS. The test results showed that the softw are m eets the expected requ irem ents. It can search the sun noise signal autom atically. K ey w ord s: w eather r


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