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美国政治-Scott停止竞选;背景;Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker has suspended his presidential campaign, effectively ending a once-promising GOP presidential bid that collapsed amid tepid debate performances, confusing statements and other missteps. Today, I believe that I am being called to lead by helping to clear the field in this race so that a positive, conservative message can rise to the top of the field, Walker said in a brief speech in Madison, Wisconsin, on Monday evening. With this in mind, I will suspend my campaign immediately. Walker said that because the field is so crowded, candidates have become focused on personal attacks instead of the substantial issues that matter most to voters. He said Republicans have lost the optimistic view of America pushed by President Ronald Reagan, Walkers political idol, and urged those still running to get back to the basics with a focus on creating jobs, reducing the size of government and strengthening the military.;To refocus the debate on these types of issues will require leadership, Walker said. I encourage other Republican presidential candidates to consider doing the same so that the voters can focus on a limited number of candidates who can offer a positive, conservative alternative to the current front-runner. This is fundamentally important to the future of the party and, more importantly, to the future of our country. In making that plea, Walker did not directly name the current front-runner, businessman Donald Trump. The announcement stunned many of Walkers major supporters, donors, fundraisers and even some of his staff members. Given his tanking poll numbers, many expected dramatic changes to the staff and strategy -- but not such a sudden end. “I’m stunned and saddened because I think Scott has had a tremendous record of accomplishment,” Fred Malek, a longtime party fundraiser who serves as the Republican Governors Association’s finance chairman. “He’s a man of the highest character and capacity, and he would have made


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