美国文化Analyses of american culture from the perspective of jeans.docx

美国文化Analyses of american culture from the perspective of jeans.docx

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美国文化Analyses of american culture from the perspective of jeans

咸阳师范学院2012届本科毕业论文 PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT5 G112 学校代码 学号 10722 1202014415 密级 公开 分类号 Analyses of American Culture from the Perspective of Jeans 题 目 从牛仔裤的视角分析美国大众文化 作者姓名 陈 颖 专业名称 英 语 学科门类 文 学 提交论文日期 成绩评定 胡晓榕 指导教师 二○一六年六月 Acknowledgements Thanks for giving me this chance to achieve this paper and to make the conclusion for my four years’ education. Through writing this paper, I have gained more knowledge than I supposed. My sincere thanks are due to my supervisor, Hu Xiaorong for helping me to clarify my thought and sharpen my thinking. Here, I also want to give my thanks to other teachers and my classmates who gave me much help. Thank you! Abstract From the date of birth, jeans have been popular more than one hundred years. It is widely spread and has become a mainstream of fashion trend. But at the beginning of it, jeans are just working pants and now on the international market they have attracted a large number of people who are pursuing individuality. This paper intends to analyze the origin and historical background of jeans to dig out the reasons of jeans popularity and culture connotation. This paper includes five parts. In the first part, an introduction to the historical background, cowboy culture and the development of jeans is presented. The second part analyzes the core values represented by American jeans. In the third part, the writer explores the reasons of the popularity of jeans. The fourth part illustrates the influences jeans have on the current society. The last part is the conclusion. Key Word: jeans; American culture; equality; democracy 摘 要 从牛仔裤诞生直到现在的一百多年的时间里,牛仔裤一直受世人青睐,在全世界范围内流行起来,并成为了时尚趋势的主流。但在设计之初,牛仔裤竟是工人们的工作裤,现在却登上了国际市场吸引了大批追求时髦的人们。本文旨在分析牛仔裤流行的原因及其文化内涵。第一部分介绍了牛仔裤的历史背景与牛仔文化的联系以及它的发展趋势。第二部分阐述了牛仔裤的核心价值民主性与平等性??第三部分结合一定历史时期,分别从反传统,反战争及女权运动等角度阐明了牛仔裤流行的原因。最后一部分是文章的结论:牛仔裤代表的民主,平等及人们对自由的追求使牛仔裤日益受到人们喜爱并风靡世界。 关键字:牛仔裤; 美国文化; 平等性; 民主性 Contents  TOC \o 1-3 \h \z \u  HYPERLINK \l _Toc448859861 1. Int


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