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1) Definition: American Indians Also called the Native Americans were the first people to live in America. Native Americans first arrived during the Ice Age when Nomads followed herds of animals across a land bridge from Asia to North America. Native Americans lived in tribes all over the United States. Plains Lived in the central United States between the Rocky Mountains and the Mississippi River. They all depended on the buffalo for clothing, food, and many of their daily items Eastern (Woodland) Southwestern Lived in Arizona, New Mexico, northern Mexico, and southern Utah. Many different groups lived in this area. One of the most important and highly developed and civilized were the Pueblo Northwestern Lived along the Pacific Ocean from northern California to Alaska with the ocean on one side and thick forest on the other Their lives were similar to the Plains Indian but also included fishing http://www.civilization.ca/civil/maya/mmc01eng.html www.mle.matsuk12.us/.../sw/pueblo.html 2. Europe in the 16th and 17th centuries 1) Great changes in west Europe a. The new rising of capitalism and English Revolution b. The Renaissance a change of outlook of life c. The Religious Reformation Martin Luthur ---- John Calvin (Calvinism)--- King Henry VIII (Protestantism) --- Puritanism Discovery of new world the first “American” were Indians. no one knows how and when they got to Early settlers some think they are Mongolians from Asia they lived on the land by hunting, gathering, fishing and farming when: in 1492 1.Christopher Columbus —from Italy Discovery supported by Spanish Queen named the islands as India and the people who: as Indians 2. Amerigo proved the land was


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