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Festivals in America New Year’s Day January 1. It is a federal holiday. People generally have New Year’s parties and social gatherings. Many people may come home very late from the previous day’s New Year’s Eve parties. It is generally dangerous to drive during the early hours of New Year’s Day, as many people may be driving while intoxicated (喝醉). Martin Luther King Day Observed the third Monday in January. It is a federal holiday. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. was actually born on January 15. He was a civil rights leader (considered the Gandhi of the U.S.). Valentine’s Day February 14. Celebrated in memory of St. Valentine. This holiday is highly commercialized. Lovers express their feelings by exchanging gifts, flowers, and greeting cards. In principle, a Valentine can be for anyone you care about, not just a lover or boyfriend. In practice, though, it is limited to lovers and spouses. President’s Day The third Monday in February. It is a federal holiday. Celebrated to honor the United States presidents. George Washington’s birthday: February 22. Abraham Lincoln’s birthday: February 12. Many stores have major sales on this day. St. Patrick’ Day圣帕特里克节 March 17. Primarily celebrated by people with Irish background. Many people wear green clothes and other items on this day. All Fool’s Day April 1. This is not really a holiday. People play lighthearted tricks on each other during this day. However, be careful not to play tricks that may be harmful or cause injuries to anyone. It is supposed to be innocent fun. Good Friday Not really a holiday. Always falls on Friday. It commemorates(纪念) the crucifixion(酷刑) and death of Jesus. Easter复活节 Celebrated on the Sunday immediately following Good Friday. It is celebrated to commemorate the resurrection(复活) of Jesus Christ. Christians believe it occurred on the third day after Jesus’ crucifixion. People paint Easter eggs with bright colors. Many places organize egg hunts for kids. Egg hunts essenti


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