美国新泽西州New Jersey.ppt

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美国新泽西州New Jersey

Basic Information Economy Education Celebrities Culture Tourism Location Admission to Union:1787 (3rd) State of New Jersey Nickname: The Garden State(花园州) Area: Ranked 47th in the U.S Population: Ranked 11th in the U.S Motto: Liberty and prosperity Capital: Trenton(特华顿) Largest City: Newark (纽瓦克市) State flower: The purple ?Violet (紫罗兰) State bird: Eastern Goldfinch(金翅雀) State fruit: blueberry State Flag State Seal The purple ?Violet (紫罗兰) Eastern Goldfinch(金翅雀) NJ State Capitol Building Economy: GDP (8th) Economy The Medicine Chest of the World 全美的药箱 Invention factory state 发明州 New Jersey is, by any measure, the center of the world’s pharmaceutical industry. The state is home to more than?300 biotechnology companies and 20?pharmaceutical and medical technology firms; 17 out of the world’s top 20 have major facilities in the state developed technology ——“invention factory state” Home to major pharmaceutical firms ?Home to major telecommunications firms New Jersey ranks second among states in?blueberry?production, third in?cranberries? Cranberry?harvest Education Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey ?a leading national public research university? 罗格斯大学 (1749) 普林斯顿大学 Princeton University is tied with?Harvard University??as the top ranked U.S. national university for 2012 New Jersey Institute of Technology 新泽西理工学院 Celebrities Woodrow Wilson the 43rd President Thomas Alva Edison Whitney Houston 惠特妮·休斯顿 爱迪生 伍德罗·威尔逊 Sport: New Jersey Nets Lian Tourism: brilliant Excellent geographical location Extensive transportation system? ——There are more than 50


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