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10  1      Vol. 10 No . 1 19984 CHIN ESE JOURN AL O F LIGHT SCATT ERING Apr. 1998    黄福敏 余国滔 谭平恒 张树霖 (   100871) 施祖进 周锡煌 顾镇南 (   100871) *    , D D 。, ,,,。      O697. 38 Raman Spectraof CarbonNanotubes and Their Temperature Effect 1 2 1 1 Huang Fumin , Yue Kw ok To , Tan Ping eng , Z ang S ulin 1 2 ( Dep artmen t of Phy sics and Col lege of L if e Sciences , Peking University , B eij ing  100871) S i Zujin, Z ou Xi uang, Gu Z ennan (Dep ar tmen t of Ch emistry , P eking University , B eij ing  100871) Abstract We present t e first report of fourt order Raman peaks of car- bon nanotubes at room temperature. An unusual discrepancy betw een t e fre- * quency of t e Stokes and anti-Stokes peaks of t e D and D mode is found. , Furt ermore w e observe a temperature dependence of t e frequency of all t e major peaks in t e Raman spectra of carbon nanotubes and active carbon us-, ing different excitation laser pow ers at t e sample. T e frequency decreases linearly wit increasing temperature for all peaks, but by different amounts. T e origin of t is temperature dependence is not clear but may be due to t e nanoscale features of carbon nanotubes and active carbon. Key Words carbon nanotubes, abnormal Raman p enomenon, tempera- ture effect


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