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12个主语类型 I.名词(或代词) Books are good companions. London is populous. 2.代词做主语 Somebody?is?using?the?phone.? ???? Neither?of?us?has?gone?through? regular?training. 3.数词做主语 One-third of the people were willing to take the test.三分之一的人想体检一下 ? One in ten was killed in the war 十分之一的人在战争中丧命。 4.名词化的形容词 the+形容词(或分词) The brave deserve the fair. The young are to be educated.复数主语) 5.不定式做主语 Ⅴ.不定式 作主语的不定式常常由it代替,本身放到句末作为it的同位语: To live in Tokyo would be too expensive. It would be too expensive to live in Tokyo. 6.动名词做主语 Ⅵ.动名词 和不定式一样,作主语的动名词也可以用it代替: Living in Tokyo would be too expensive. Crying over spilt milk is no use. 7.从句做主语 That he was killed is a serious matter. Where he had escaped puzzled me. How to escape seems to be a problem. 8.名词化介词 介词短语 From seven to seven is our store hours. From infancy to manhood is an important period. 9.名词化副词做主语 Now is the time. 10.名词化过去分词 The disabled are to receive more money. Those elected as committee members will attend the meeting. 12 引语从句 “Look before you leap” is a famous proverb. “How do you do ?”is a greeting.


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