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* * 姓名:林波凌 专业:旅游文化 Ancient Greek philosophy and philosophers 外国语学院 1 Pre-socratic philosophers 2 The sophists and socrates Content 3 Conclusion 1.Pre-socratic philosophers The first Greek philosophers made inquiries into the world by observation and reasoning. His notion that the many was related to the one. Study Egyptian and Babylonian astronomy and mathematicas. 1.1 Thales(624-548B.C) Believe that the universe was controlled by the fixed law. To him,the water is a stuff which contained its own principle of action or change .In short,basic element-water. A sudent of Thales believe that the earth was surrounded by fire and hunmans were once fish ,adapting and slowly evolving into humans. Like his teacher, he excluded gods from his explanantions about the nature of the world and the origin of man. 1.2 Anaximander(610-545B.C) 1.3 Anaximenes (570-526B.C) The one of Seven sages in ancient Greece. He made progress by suggesting that there was condensation,and in this way he tried to explain how solid appeared in the wold. Primitive of everything is gas. 1.4 Heraclitus (535-475B.C) The fisrt dialectical philosopher Consider that things change at all . Observed that everything was in constant change . Like cold and heat ,caused tension which then caused change. 1.5 Democritus (460-370B.C) One of the founders of materialism philosopher,his point of view like morden science. Believe that everyting in the world was composed of atom ,which were physically indivisible and between the atoms also there was empty and an indefinite number of atoms.it was indestructible and alway in motion. The theory of atomism produced a mechanical conception of the nature of the things and had a long an infuential history ,whcih provided science in the West its working model for centurise since the Renaissance. 1.6 Pythagoras (570-490B.C) His philosophy had two side ,the philosophic and the religious. Combine reason a


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